It's been about 2 weeks since I posted anything so I'd like to take this time and touch on a few things that interested, annoyed, amused, and satisfied me over those two weeks......
English as a second language ??
This seems to be a sensitive subject with a ton of people so let me preface by saying that if you're able to read this, I'm not referring to you so don't get your panties in a bunch!!!! I'm referring to the people who speak "other" languages. Some of these people are constantly making an attempt to learn English, since that IS the predominant language here in the USA, and I applaud their effort. However, there are some that happen to be too lazy to learn the language but yet expect all people who speak English to accommodate them!! Como???? I don't understand this method of thinking, never have, never will! Why are we so accommodating? Being in America is a privilege not a right, similar to driving. Let me ask this question though. When you go to take your driving test you have to put forth an effort, correct? So why is speaking in this country any different?? These people don't want to learn the language but yet want to use our school systems for their children, use the medical benefits most of us can't afford, and get government money for food that most of us would love to have!!! Como???? The reason this all came about is because as our loyal readers know, I work in the restaurant business. Recently, I was taking an order over the phone and the customer says to me,"do you have anyone that speaks Spanish"? Hearing this in perfect English, I respond,"why? You're asking me this in perfectly clear English, but you want someone who speaks Spanish?", COMO????? This is what I'm talking about! I can't figure people like this out. The only thing that I can think of is that they only speak English when they want a free handout or if it's convenient for them. All I can tell you is that, I'm not a mind reader, I don't speak different languages, and I can't do sign language, so the next time you would like to talk to me, speak to me in English....... Gracias!!!
Children having children.....
This issue is happening more and more and is something irritates me. When you see young people having kids but seem to be irritated by these kids as if they're inconveniencing them?!?! Seriously?? Oh, I see, they're only an inconvenience when you have to take care of them, but nut when you receive money or healthcare for them! This is ridiculous. When there are people out there who struggle to have children and are unable to do so naturally, you act burdened by this child?? I'm not just talking about teenagers having children, it's anyone who feels burdened having a child. Similar to my previous subject, there are people that just want kids to get free handouts. Again, why do we allow this??? Why do we have to foot the bill for these immature, uneducated, inconsiderate pricks when all they're doing is using their children for tax money!?!? There are families that would kill to have one child but they can't. Meanwhile there are some pieces of trash who have 6 kids, can't care for them, and in some cases don't want them, they just keep popping them out as a way to get more tax money! My proposal... The money that these lazy assholes get as a handout should instead be used for the families that need to use medical procedures in the HOPE to have a child. Just as this is no guarantee for these families to have children, there should be no guarantee for the amount of tax money you receive per child. It kills me thar there are parents with 6 kids and treat them like shit and right across the street there is a couple unable to have children and would unconditionally love a child if given the chance. Children are blessings, not tax write offs!!!!!
Fightin Phils....
The Philadelphia Phillies this week became the first MLB team to punch their ticket to the postseason. The honor marks their 5th consecutive trip to the postseason and should be capped off by another division title. In the era of free agency, the consistency of this team and organization is something that the fans of Philadelphia have definitely noticed as well as just the average MLB fan. Finishing with the best record in MLB seems inevitable again this year but will mean nothing unless there is a championship to celebrate!! The phillies seem to be the class of MLB right now and as a lifelong fan I never thought I'd see this sustained success they are enjoying!! Step 1/3 is complete so that means the division title is next, followed by the world series title!! As a knowledgeable fan, I'd like to applaud the Phillies organization for their accomplishments but remind them to keep the eye on the prize and bring another title back to us diehard fans!!!!!!! Go Phils!!!!!!
Sports Gambling...
This has been bothering me since the A-Rod poker game fiasco and I want to add my two cents. So it's ok for people to gamble their mortgage payment on football games weekly, but it's not ok to be an athlete involved in high-stakes poker games?? C'mon that seems hypocritical. Vegas makes billions of dollars every year on sports gambling but never mention John from Arkansas who lost his house because he took the over in the Alabama Arkansas game and lost because of a missed field goal as time expired!! Most will say, it's not up to Vegas to monitor their betters and I agree. So why is it up to anyone else to monitor personal and private poker games???? Double standard??? If someone wants to be irresponsible and gamble their mortgage payment away, let them, that's why there are debt collectors. If someone wants to get involved on underground poker games that can get violent, let them, that's what the real police are for not the "ethics police".
I want to thank our loyal readers as well as our new ones. I encourage everyone to like our facebook page at Obstructed Views and follow us on twitter @Obs_Views_Blog
This is Kyle Montgomery, and this was my two cents!!!
English as a second language ??

This issue is happening more and more and is something irritates me. When you see young people having kids but seem to be irritated by these kids as if they're inconveniencing them?!?! Seriously?? Oh, I see, they're only an inconvenience when you have to take care of them, but nut when you receive money or healthcare for them! This is ridiculous. When there are people out there who struggle to have children and are unable to do so naturally, you act burdened by this child?? I'm not just talking about teenagers having children, it's anyone who feels burdened having a child. Similar to my previous subject, there are people that just want kids to get free handouts. Again, why do we allow this??? Why do we have to foot the bill for these immature, uneducated, inconsiderate pricks when all they're doing is using their children for tax money!?!? There are families that would kill to have one child but they can't. Meanwhile there are some pieces of trash who have 6 kids, can't care for them, and in some cases don't want them, they just keep popping them out as a way to get more tax money! My proposal... The money that these lazy assholes get as a handout should instead be used for the families that need to use medical procedures in the HOPE to have a child. Just as this is no guarantee for these families to have children, there should be no guarantee for the amount of tax money you receive per child. It kills me thar there are parents with 6 kids and treat them like shit and right across the street there is a couple unable to have children and would unconditionally love a child if given the chance. Children are blessings, not tax write offs!!!!!
Fightin Phils....
Sports Gambling...

I want to thank our loyal readers as well as our new ones. I encourage everyone to like our facebook page at Obstructed Views and follow us on twitter @Obs_Views_Blog
This is Kyle Montgomery, and this was my two cents!!!
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