Why is it, that there are several people who seem to think they are entitled to certain rights or privileges when in actuality, they aren't. I want to discuss possible reasons for this sense of entitlement (it's kind of like a movie title that HAS to be referenced during the movie).
Let's say you make a six figure salary and subsequently drive a very nice vehicle, does this then mean that you are entitled to have people treat you any different? Does it mean that you can treat people with less respect? Does it mean that you can talk down to people and act as if you're better then them? The answer, in my opinion, to all of these questions is NO! So you make good money, and drive a nice car, hell everybody knows you, it's like you're a movie star, (old school rap reference) but why do you feel the need to disrespect people because of it?? Is it because in America, there is a notion that if you have money and drive a nice car, you reach a certain level of status within society?? My question is, why is there this notion?? So you work 45 hours a week and drive a Mercedes and I work 70 hours a week and drive a honda, that makes you better than me?? If you answered yes, explain to me how!! I've noticed that the less you work, the lazier you are. I'm not saying that you have no work ethic, but what I'm saying is that you feel "entitled" to have people do things for you. Again I ask, why??? Why do Americans have this sense of entitlement? Is it money, job, car, family and the way they were raised, or is it all of the above?? I say it's a combination of all of those and a great deal to do with technology. Remember before remote controls for a television and you had to physically get up to change the channel? It made you work for the channel you were going to watch. I think this is where the entitlement begins. Call me crazy, but just something as minute as relying on a remote to change channels on the television, gives a sense of entitlement to people that it's ok to rely on other people to do things that your lazy ass should be doing yourself.
This whole thought process came about because I work in the restaurant business and recently had a customer give me an order for 13 co-workers and himself and asked that they all be individually bagged and marked!! Am I your mother?? You want me to personalize your lunch like it's the first day of kindergarten??? Then he proceeds to say, "I want it delivered by 12 and I'm right across the street". Good for you, you just kept me on the phone 20 minutes because Bill in human resources wanted no onions, lite mayo, pickles, and numerous things on the side because he's allergic to tomatoes so your order will take 45 minutes. Again, "sense of entitlement". You work across the street so I'm supposed to stop what I'm doing and stop the orders for everyone else to make and deliver yours?? Here's a thought. Walk your fat ass the 1/10 of a mile across the street, get some exercise, and get your order yourself. Why do you feel that because you tell me where you work that I'm supposed to bend over backwards for you?? That's the problem with society today and you are seeing more and more people like this jackass in positions that they shouldn't be in (i.e. 1/2 of the politicians).
For our loyal readers, I've mentioned it in the past, the word is manners! Before you act like an entitled prick, think to yourself if you really deserve to be entitled to that. If you hire someone to cut your grass, is it because you work 70 hours a week and get home after dark, or is it because you feel entitled to have someone else do that for you?? I can't stand the people that feel they are above certain people or certain things because of their job, car, or financial status. Remember, it's a constant cycle. Without guys like me doing my job, you won't have yours!!!
This is Kyle Montgomery, this has been my two cents and remember, we all put our pants on one leg at a time!!!
Obstructed Views is an unbiased (as long as you agree with our views) blog where we tackle the worlds of sports, entertainment, politics, current events, and anything else we feel like. Our goal is not to offend but to start dialogs about the things people are talking about. We’re just saying what you’re thinking. We want our writing to sound as if it were coming out of our mouths during a conversation and to maybe spark a debate or two.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sense of Entitlement......
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Don't Believe the Hype
Is it better to be over prepared, inconvenienced, and safe or not be prepared, not be inconvenienced and risk grave danger? If you ask me the choice is simple. In the aftermath of Hurricane Irene I’ve seen all over the news and in the newspapers people with the audacity to bitch at the media and the National Hurricane center about “overhyping” the recent hurricane. My my my, what short memories these idiots have.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
It's not a lie, if you believe it........
Recently, I had a discussion involving hypothetical situations to gauge how people would respond when faced with life-changing decisions.
For instance, if you knew your brother/sister was cheating and your brother/sister in-law asked if you knew anything, would you throw your sibling under the bus or stay out of it and plead the 5th?? Would your response change if it was a good friend and another friend? In my opinion, it's not my responsibility to give the bad news it's my sibling's. Plus to be honest, it's not any of my business, so there is no reason for me to get involved. Knowing this, would your decision change if it was your brother/sister in-law cheating and you knew about, would you tell your sibling?? Is the morality of it any different just because it's your family by blood or by marriage?? I don't see it as you're lying in either case, I think it's justifiable to not get involved in other people's issues regardless of knowledge or relationships with those people. If my brother/sister in-law came to me, I would say you need to talk to them. After they did this, if they were satisfied with the answer they received, then what else can I do?? Again, it is none of my business nor is it my responsibility to break that news. I'm sure a great deal of people will agree with me when I say, if you cheat, you deserve what's coming to you, but I won't be the one to hurry that process up!!!!
Here is another thought. If your husband or wife came home and said they had just committed a crime, would you turn them in??? Where do the ethics and morals stop and loyalty comes into play?? I'd have a hard time turning a loved one in for anything. If I was not there, it's justifiable to say I don't know anything, right?? There are people out there that would turn their own blood in if they committed a crime and that floors me. I understand ethical thinking and understanding right from wrong, but trust is essential for families to survive. I'm not saying to test that trust by committing a crime, all I'm saying is maybe ask yourself, "will my brother, sister, mom or dad, turn me in or throw me under the bus, or will they plead the 5th"??? Unless I was physically there when something happens, I won't be saying a word!! Who's to say it actually happened?? If we believe everyone when they say they did something, we'd all be running around scared every day!! Also, if you're one of those people that would throw your family under the bus, you're not as trustworthy as you think you are!! Loyalty is a big word in situations like these and where does yours lie??
I'm not encouraging lying or covering up crimes, I'm just simply encouraging trustworthy people. When you say "I'd take a bullet for so and so", if it meant life or death for you,do you really mean it?? Or, "I'd give you the shirt off my back", if it's raining or snowing, would you?? In my opinion, there a handful of people that I would honestly and truthfully do those things for and I'm happy to say that they know who they are. To me, if my bond is strong enough with these people to do those things, it's also strong enough to "plead the 5th" and not throw them under the bus!!
Think about these situations and give me your responses. I'd like to see how many people will be completely honest or will just respond with what they "think" they'd do!!
This is Kyle Montgomery with my two cents and reminding you all of a great quote in history......
"It's not a lie, if you believe it!!!"
What is the Deal, With That?
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Dear Sports Fans.....
With all of the recent acts of violence at sporting events by fans, I feel obligated to give my opinion on this issue. Fans, what are you doing?? You know the old adage, one rotten apple spoils the bunch?? You're the bad apples!!! I understand being passionate about sports, I'm a Philadelphia sports fan!!!!!!! With that being said, when your "passion" turns violent, it crosses a line and puts others at risk because of your stupidity. Everyone is saying alcohol played a big part in this and that's just a bs excuse. What about the other 30,000 fans that CAN drink RESPONSIBLY??? I get emotionally vested in the game too, but physically assaulting a rival fan is a ridiculous way to react to a bad call or a bad play. These violent acts that we have seen in San Francisco, L.A., and at numerous soccer games throughout the world, have reminded fans like me that it's not worth it! I am a Philadelphia Eagles season ticket holder, a Philadelphia Phillies partial season ticket holder, and a Philadelphia Flyers partial season ticket holder. If I see someone acting up or severely intoxicated at these games and ask security to do something, their answer is to move my group instead of asking the assholes to settle down. Really??? What does that solve??? At no point does it ever cross my mind to confront that intoxicated person because nothing good can come from it. There has to be more enforcement by security, but more importantly, there has to be more enforcement by fans being responsible. Attending a sporting event is meant to be a fun and enjoyable time. As fans we shouldn't have to worry about getting sucker punched for wearing an opposing team's jersey. Again, innocent ball busting is one thing, violence however crosses a line. So to all of you "fans" that go the game to act out violently, get a clue!! You're not real fans, you're just a bunch of pricks that probably are ex-athletes and are jealous of the true fans and athletes!!! Not only are you ruining it for fans that can act responsibly after a few beers, but you're ruining it for the kid that goes to his first game with his dad but has to hear you the whole game screaming profanities and getting into fistfights!! It's not cool, so whoever told you it was, lied!!!! Do me a favor, before you ruin sporting events for EVERY fan out there, just stay home. As I said already, most people feel that there is a fine line between being passionate and being an asshole about being passionate. You my friends, are the 2nd one (in case you didn't know). I'll leave you with this thought. Think about the families you have hurt all because you wanted to flex your chest about your team! Your team is NOT Seal Team #6, and they DID NOT kill Bin Laden last time I checked, so stop with all the violence over a damn game!!!!
This is Kyle Montgomery saying, only you can prevent sporting event violence!!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Pay Me
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Them Belly Full but We Hungry.......
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Weekly Annoyances.....
I'm back with another installment of your favorite blog post!!! This week, as promised I'll touch on this plaid shorts phenomenon among the younger crowd and a few other annoyances. Here we go.........
Weekly Annoyance #1
This first annoyance is one I'm sure doesn't just annoy me and that is people who "think" they know it all. For anyone that knows me, I have an endless supply of meaningful and meaningless knowledge but I never claim to know everything, just mostly everything!! (that's a joke) These are not the people I am referring to. I am referring to the people that will ask a question, clearly not knowing the answer, and then when you tell them your answer they simply quip,"no that's not it"!!! Seriously, you have no clue but you're quick to shoot my answer down. These same people that claim to be experts in something from what they read and clearly do not know as much about it as those who experience it. You know the type, people who are "experts"on healthcare but are 300 pounds and not doctors. People who are "experts" on education but were "C" students and are not teachers. People who just think they know everything but write emails using "your" for "you are" and "there" for "they are", c'mon "your" killing me!!! Unless you're (see the correct way to use it) a doctor or a medical professor, do not act like you're (again) an expert in the medical field. Unless you're a teacher or an education professor, do not act like an expert in the education field. So think long and hard the next time you're acting like a know it all about something that in fact you know very little about. There may actually be someone who is an expert in that area and they might just tell you to..... Knock that shit off!!!!!!
Weekly Annoyance #2
The next annoyance also involves so called "experts" in the political field. It boggles my mind how emotionally attached some people get to politicians and what they say. When will people wake up and realize that all politicians LIE. Americans are upset with Obama and his healthcare bill. Well if you wouldn't be fat and maybe do some pushups, you wouldn't have to be concerned with your health on a daily basis. Also, do you think McCain would have been any different??? He would have tried to pass a bill that pissed most Americans off too. For any of you political "experts" reading this I challenge you to throw your hat in the ring and run for president. What? You have no experience in politics? Then how are you an expert? That's right you're not!!!!! Stop acting like you know what will fix this country and it's economy. If there was a quick fix solution as most "experts" feel there is, it would have been done already. These "experts" say, "our president did this wrong, or he didn't do this right" guess what.... He is the president not you, so if you want to do something to change that, win the election. If you've noticed there is a running theme in mist of my posts and that is if you want to change something, don't cry about and do something to change it. Don't complain about how someone else is handling issues because if Americans felt that you could do a better job you'd be in office!!! I'm not saying I agree with everything Obama has done or said, but has there been a recent president that has had a 100% approval rating??? No! I'm sure there are things you do that people do not approve but does that mean you're a bad person?? No! The point I'm trying to make here is, before you criticize how the president does things or any politician does their job, think about if you could do it. It's one thing to sit on the outside and say "I'd do this or I'd do that" but unless you know what you're doing and have the courage to run for office, shut up. So the next time you criticize anyone in politics or any other job and aren't willing to put your money where your mouth is, maybe, just maybe, there will be someone there to tell you to..... Knock that shit off!!!!!!
Weekly Annoyance #3
Ok, it's time to finally address this whole plaid shorts phenomenon. When did it become cool to wear these?? Did I not get the memo?? Was there not a cover letter on my TPS report?? I don't understand what is so great about plaid shorts. I'm not knocking anyone who wears them, what you do in your personal life is not for me to judge, I just want to remind you that they do make other kinds of shorts. I remember when plaid shorts were strictly worn by 70 year old men and older but now they are worn by teenagers?? I am simply asking for an explanation.
I didn't forget about you, mr. "I wear socks with sandals". Seriously?? The whole point of sandals is to not wear socks or shoes. You defy that point and still go through the effort of putting socks on and can't muster up enough energy to put on the shoes so you slip your sock covered feet into sandals?
Wikipedia defines sandals as the following;
Sandals are an open type of outdoor footwear, consisting of a sole held to the wearer's foot by straps passing over the instep and, sometimes, around the ankle. While the distinction between sandals and other types of footwear can sometimes be blurry (as in the case of huaraches—the woven leather footwear seen in Mexico), the common understanding is that a sandal leaves most of the upper part of the foot exposed, particularly the toes. People may choose to wear sandals for several reasons, among them economy (sandals tend to require less material than shoes and are usually easier to construct), comfort in warm weather, and as a fashion choice.
Nowhere in that definition does it say that socks should be worn. This defeats the purpose of wearing the sandals!!!!!!!
So the next time you're wearing plaid shorts and you're not 70, or you're wearing sandals with socks, or in the rare case of wearing plaid shorts with sandals and socks, somebody should tell you to..... Knock that shit off!!!!!
This is Kyle Montgomery, and this has been my two cents!!!!
Dear Jim Thome,
Congratulations on being the 8th person in major league baseball history to hit 600 home runs!! As far as we know, you've done it without the use of steroids or performance enhancing drugs. Throughout your 20 year career, you have played the game with class and have never took the game for granted. You played on those Cleveland Indians teams along with Albert Belle and Manny Ramirez, and you were considered the third wheel on those teams. Consistently, you have put up numbers that are comparable to hall of famers. While those other two fizzled out and were found to use performance enhancers, you have played your career scandal free. You were always considered the next tier of first baseman behind guys like, Rafeal Palmerio, Fred Mcgriff, Mark McGwire, John Olerud, and even Mo Vaughn. In my opinion you are a better player than those players. Your longevity and class has made you an ideal professional athlete. You're not an athlete that has held on too long in order to achieve a milestone. You still bring a great deal to the table and you're still a feared hitter. I want to extend a sincere thank you to you. Throughout the steroid era, you have been one of the few consistent bright spots that the game has had. 600 home runs, 2,260 hits, career batting average of .277, and 1,657 runs batted in, that's a hall of fame career if you ask me. Longevity, consistency and class, those 3 words should be what everyone remembers about you and your career. Your a class act, and hopefully baseball fans will get to see you in Cooperstown someday!!! Again, congratulations on achieving such a great milestone, and thank you for being a great ambassador of the game!!!!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Weekly Annoyances.....
It's the long overdue return of weekly annoyances. It's been a while so if you don't remember, this is where I get off my chest 2 or 3 everyday things that really annoy me and it also gives the readers a different perspective on them. So without further ado.......
Weekly Annoyance #1
The first thing that has annoyed me and continues to annoy me is so called "unwritten" rules in sports. To me I understand etiquette, however, if there was a need for "unwritten" rules to be emphasized, they wouldn't be unwritten!!!!! The most recent incident involving said "unwritten" rules happened over the weekend between the Phillies and Giants. Up 8-2 in the 6th inning, Jimmy Rollins of the phillies stole second base. Apparently this upset members of the Giants and they decided to purposely throw at Shane Victorino. This in my eyes was bullshit!!!! I'm a firm believer in something that was told to me when I played little league. That saying is simply, " if you don't want a team to whoop your ass, do something about it"!!!! This does not mean deliberately throw at someone, it means score enough runs to win, and stop the other team from scoring!!!!! Simple!!! The fact that they are making a huge deal about this is petty. Sports are competitive and to ask professional athletes to "take it down a notch" when you're up 8-2, is complete and total bullshit. That's like asking a lawyer to take it easy on the opposing lawyer because it's their first case!!!!!! Listen, as I said, I'm all for etiquette, but most athletes today are babies and can't take a little trash talk or criticism. So for these so called "unwritten" rules, I got a rule that was told to me as a young kid.... If you can't roll with the big dogs, stay on the porch with the puppies..... Bitch!!!! So to athletes that can't stand to be embarrassed by a superior team and cry about the "unwritten" rules I'm here to tell you..... Knock that shit off!!!!!!!!
Weekly Annoyance # 2
Disorganized people. We all know them. People who say they'll be there at 7 and show up at 8:30 because they can't find their car keys, or wallet. The people that ask where something is even though it's theirs and they were the last ones with it. Those same people that you ask to use something and they have no clue where it is but say they know exactly where it is. The people that make plans, change them, change them again, think about it, then change it back to the original plans. The females that have huge purses, knowing this they just throw their debit cards into the black holes and complain when they can't find them the next time. The people that "organize" things but in actuality it's someone else who planned everything and they just take the credit. These same people that don't realize all of the people they are inconveniencing due to their disorganized lives. Listen I'm not asking you to have everything ironed out perfectly to every waking second, but when there are numerous people involved maybe take their lives into consideration a little bit. Put yourselves in their shoes and then make that decision. Some people will think about it next time they involve other people in their unorganized everyday activities and some people after reading this still won't give a shit. I am speaking for many people that feel like I do when I say this.... The next time you plan something, involve multiple people, and it turns out there is nothing planned, I'm going to be there with plenty of other people to tell you..... Knock that shit off!!!!!!!!
Weekly Annoyance # 3
A few annoyances back I touched on an ugly word that many people hate, "manners". The reason many people hate this word is because it involves them actually using them. These same people who don't partake in using the word, are the first ones to bitch and moan when they do not get treated with those same manners they failed to use. To piggyback off of Jim's previous post, WTF!!!!! You don't use manners, then you want to bitch about how you get treated???? That's kind of like the people who don't work, but then bitch about their free food and free healthcare!!!!! Oh yeah, I went there. If you don't want me to say things like that then do me one favor, PLEASE! The next time you have the chance to use manners, for the love of god use them. Manners are like the "unwritten" rules of the real world. So the next time I hold the door for you, and you don't say thank you, I'll be waiting for you on the way out of that same place to slam the door in your face and to also tell you...... Knock that shit off!!!!!!!!
Make sure you check out more annoyances when I talk about people who wear socks with sandals and those damn plaid shorts!!!!!!!
Until then this is Kyle Montgomery, and this has been my two cents!!!!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
If you got a chip fan, go and brush your shoulder off.....
Friday, August 5, 2011
We're Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack
Thursday, August 4, 2011
You got iced......
What's up everybody?? We took some time off and we apologize. Now we're back and better!!
The first thing I want to talk about is the recent baseball game between the Angels and Tigers. I'll give a little back story here. Jared Weaver was the pitcher for the angels and he hangs a breaking ball over the heart of the plate and Magglio Ordonez crushes the ball. Now he stayed at the plate for a few seconds to see if it was fair or foul and it happened to be fair. Seeing this, Jared Weaver thinks he is trying to show him up and gets pissed and says something to the umpire. This next part I love and I appreciate what Carlos Quentin did. In the 7th inning the same thing occurs when Quentin crushes a HR only this time he was trying to show him up and I commend him for that!!! Listen, I'm not saying play the game with no class but, if you're going to get pissed for what you think is someone showing you up, then someone should then show you up to make sure your anger is properly placed!!! Now there are unwritten rules in baseball that most people know about. Two of them were on display in this game. After Quentin purposely showed up Weaver, the unwritten rule says the next batter suffers. Jared weaver threw at the next batter's head and subsequently got ejected, in my opinion rightfully so. Jared weaver, quit bitching like a little girl, you made the pitches, suffer the consequences. If you had struck them out and fist pumped ( not jersey shore like) would that be any different?? NO!!! This is something that constantly bothers me in major league baseball. Since when were pitchers above the game??? Why should they not have trash talk towards them, because they're more important than the hitter?? Last time I checked the game consists of a pitcher throwing a ball in which the batter hits. Pitchers, quit being "not-straight" ( politically correct) and get over it!!!!! After review by the league, Weaver got suspended for 6 games. So Jared Weaver, you get iced!!!!
Recently I was at the beach attending my 4-day weekend of a bachelor party and there were a ton of things that should not happen that took place. A fat guy in a tight, purple, iron man shirt. A fat girl in a tight, purple, iron man shirt. Two guys having a dance off. A 295 pound 5ft- 8in guy who is pastry (play on words) white wearing no shirt. A 295 pound 5ft- 8in girl who is pastry ( same play on words)white wearing no shirt. An extremely feminine guy dancing with girls. An extremely feminine girl dancing with, girls. 14 grown ass men dumping trash cans of ice and playing pranks on the other 2 grown ass men that came with us A grown man wearing a pink shirt, white pants, and white shoes and thought it was awesome. That same guy going around to everyone he saw, handing them a smirnoff ice and yelling to them "you got iced". We established that this was not the proper use of the prank and said person got properly "iced".
All in all there was a ton of stuff I saw that should never happen, but there was one thing that was something you don't see enough of. That's 16 guys that have known each other for about 15 years and still hanging out having a blast!!!!!
I'm Kyle Montgomery and this has been my two cents!!